Monday, 9 July 2018

The Three S’s of a Classic

If you are a lover of classic novels, then Zonegem is the place for you. What exactly is a classic? The simple answer is: a book which is loved by readers everywhere, has great content, and makes an impact on life. But that’s not all that classics are about. Read on to find out the three most important S’s of a classic.

Story: The finest classic novels don’t have plot holes. We see characters undergo significant change and development. The story should show the progression of time. Characters overcome hardships and acquire broader understandings of their worlds. The best classic books take us on unforgettable journeys and adventures, whether literal or figurative.

Style: For a book to be read and re-read and loved, the reading experience needs to be smooth. Language errors or groan-worthy purple prose are absent (except when used for deliberate effect, such as creating a character whose language skills are lacking).

Setting: Charles Dickens London and Jk Rowling may not have had such great books, if not for their setting.

Dickens’ description of the outdoor cattle markets that were common in 18th Century London is vivid. It invokes the senses of sight and smell, giving you a clear mental image of the backdrop for the action.

When J.K. Rowling describes Hogwarts castle in Harry Potter and the Philsopher’s Stone, it is suitably vivid, imposing and enticing for a magic school and castle

Find a vast collection of timeless classics on Zonegem and enjoy.

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