Everyone knows the names, and their stories, but were you aware of these fascinating literary facts? More so than any other profession, it would seem as if writers were as fond of collecting eccentricities and quirks as they were pens and paper. And these facts help shed some light on the strange hobbies and anecdotes behind famous writers and books.
What The Dickens!
Whilst his work was known for its unflinching social realism, in his personal life, Dickens’ had some hobbies that were anything but. He was a known practitioner of mesmerism (Hypnotism in modern terms) as well as a keen aficionado of all things supernatural. He was also deeply superstitious, known to only sleep facing north as he believed it would improve his writing.
The Dog Ate My Masterpiece
With an excuse that would never fly with your school teachers, let alone a literary agent, John Steinbeck’s original manuscript for Of Mice and Men met an untimely and unfortunate end at the hands of his dog Fluff. As Steinbeck told his agent Elizabeth Otis “My setter pup, left alone one night, made confetti of about half of my manuscript”.
An Unsettling Twist
In a reveal that wouldn’t have been out of place for one of his own characters, science fiction master Ray Bradbury, the author of Fahrenheit 451 and other classics. Was actually descended from one of the original Salem witches, Mary Perkins Bradbury was sentenced to death in 1692 but fortunately managed to stage a daring escape.
If you want to read more of the great works produced by these fascinating figures, then head over to www.zonegem.com to browse their comprehensive selection of classic eBooks and audiobooks.
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